Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wii Mobile

By John Gray

The Sony Ericsson F305 has just been officially announced from the popular mobile manufacturer. This is a mobile that is not centred around a camera, walkman music player or GPS like most new mobile phones - but instead is aimed at the gamers among you. And it takes it's gaming theory from the Nintendo Wii and its clever and enjoyable Wiimotes.

The Sony Ericsson F305 comes with three games pre-installed (Bowling, Bass Fishing and Jockey) which are all intended to show off the motion sensor on the mobile. The games can be played by using the phone like the Nintendo Wii controllers - moving them around to control what is on screen as opposed to pressing buttons. While this does sound like a lot of fun, and indeed the Nintendo Wii has proved to be very popular, it seems like there is a flaw in the concept! While you are able to control the game by moving the phone, it will of course limit your view of the screen as the phone will now be in motion away from you! However only the actual playing will be proof of the pudding. And I imagine that insurance is essential with this mobile - as gaming accidents with mobile 'flying out of hands' could prove costly.

As well as the gaming aspect the Sony Ericsson F305 has pretty average features such as a 2 megapixel camera, multimedia player, FM radio and expandable memory. While it is not a bad phone, Sony Ericsson tend to make very few of those, it is not really outstanding in any area. While the gaming aspect is quite clever the small 2.4 inch screen and limited resolution will probably not propel it into stardom.

However, if gaming is your thing then look out for the Sony Ericsson F305 in late summer.
This and many other articles on mobile phones and the latest mobile phone deals was written by John Gray.

John Gray's writing can often be found at

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