Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cell Phone Safety Issues - From Driving to Tracking Down Unknown Numbers

The old saying, "with great power comes great responsibility," may seem a little dramatic for a cell phone, but experts would tell you a different story. For every situation that a cell phone can assist you in with work, family, or your personal life, there is another that can also potentially put you in danger. Though there are many ways that cell phones can pose a risk to you and your family, you can help protect them by simply being aware of the dangers and tracking down unknown numbers using reverse phone lookups.

There are a couple major risks for cell phone users. First, a cell phone can be a physical threat to you if you are using it while driving. Study after study has shown that not only are people who drive and talk more likely to get into a wreck, but they are four times more likely to get into a wreck involving injuries. Driving and talking on a cell phone not only takes your eyes off of the road but also disrupts your concentration. While hands-free sets are becoming more popular, studies have shown that the only way to truly eliminate the distractions of a cell phone while driving is to not use one on the road.

The second threat is more subtle, however. Though not necessarily a physical harm, pranksters can use a cell phone to make harassing (or even threatening) phone calls. This can cause great stress for your family and run up your phone bill, but you can put an end to such calls by using a reverse phone lookup to find out the name and number a prankster uses. While telemarketing companies can use cell phones to help mask their identity, there are some reverse phone lookups that search private directories for mobile numbers.

The only way to counter these dangers is to properly defend oneself, and the best defense is to be armed with tools. The most valuable tool to protect yourself against unknown callers is the reverse phone lookup. No matter what the issue -- cell phones and driving or unknown callers -- the first step to prevention is staying informed.

Terry Taggert writes informational articles about people search, privacy, reverse phone lookups, and other similar topics. Conduct an instant reverse cell phone lookup at

Terry Taggert - EzineArticles Expert Author

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